Stiffy Makane: Apocolocyntosis — 9 of 235

One of the Bruces and Drunken Bastard

Release 1

Part Six - "Cast"

Table of Final Question Options (continued)

final question wordingonly if victorioustopicfinal response rulefinal response activity
"show the list of CAST members"false"cast"fancy print the cast rule--
"roll the CREDITS"false"credits"fancy rolling the credits rule--

Table of Real Cast Members

"Stiffy Makane""Ron Jeremy"true
"Rachel""Jennifer Aniston"false
"Librarian""Nancy Pearl"false
"Cleopatra""Elizabeth Taylor"false
"Madame Sosostris""Prunella Scales"false
"Pirate Captain""Johnny Depp"false
"Persephone""Dolly Parton"false
"Cerberus""Vinnie, Golem, and Ursa"false
"Tantalus""Stephen Granade"false
"The mysterious goddess""Rosario Dawson"false

Table of Fictional Cast Members

"Baldanders""Himself""Wolfe, Gene""The Book of the New Sun"false
"Julia""Herself""[o-stroke]rberg, Hans H.""Lingua Latina"false
"The Golden Apple""Itself""Shea, Robert and Robert Anton Wilson""The Illuminatus! Trilogy"false
"Glub""Juiblex""Gygax, Gary""Monster Manual"false
"Archie""Himself""Goldwater, John L., Vic Bloom, Bob Montana, [italic type]et al.[roman type]""Archie Comics"false
"Doctor Nick Riviera""Himself""Groenig, Matt [italic type]et al.[roman type]""The Simpsons"false
"Hippopotamus""William""Artist unknown""[roman type]collection of the New York Metropolitan Museum of Art"false
"Lake Guardian""Froghemoth""Gygax, Gary; illustration by Erol Otus""Expedition to the Barrier Peaks"false
"Druidic priestess""Sacrifice""Deborah Larson""[roman type]cover of [italic type]Eldritch Wizardry[roman type][emdash]Gygax and Blume"false
"Peanuts cast""Themselves""Schultz, Charles M.""Peanuts"false

This is the fancy print the cast rule:

say "The actors in [italic type]Mentula Macanus: Apocolocyntosis[roman type] are of two types: those portrayed by real people or creatures, and those played by characters who are themselves fictional (or otherwise works of art). They will be presented in two separate groups:[paragraph break]";

follow the print the real cast rule;

follow the print the fictional cast rule.

This is the print the real cast rule:

let RCW be 0;

repeat through the Table of Real Cast Members


let M be the met entry;

if M is true


let LC be the number of characters in the character entry;

if LC > RCW, now RCW is LC;

end if;

end repeat;

say "Real People:[paragraph break]";

repeat through the Table of Real Cast Members


let M be the met entry;

if M is true


say "[fixed letter spacing][run paragraph on]";

let LC be the number of characters in the character entry;

let W be RCW + 5;

let NP be W - LC;

say "[character entry][run paragraph on]";

repeat with P running from 1 to NP


say ".[run paragraph on]";

end repeat;

say "[castmember entry][variable letter spacing][line break]";

end if;

end repeat;

say "[paragraph break]";

This is the print the fictional cast rule:

let FCW be 0;

let ACW be 0;

let AUW be 0;

repeat through the Table of Fictional Cast Members


let M be the met entry;

if M is true


let LC be the number of characters in the character entry;

if LC > FCW, now FCW is LC;

let LC be the number of characters in the castmember entry;

if LC > ACW, now ACW is LC;

end if;

end repeat;

say "Fictional Characters:[paragraph break]";

repeat through the Table of Fictional Cast Members


let M be the met entry;

if M is true


say "[fixed letter spacing][run paragraph on]";

let LC be the number of characters in the character entry;

let LF be the number of characters in the castmember entry;

let NP be FCW + 2 - LC;

let NS be ACW + 2 - LF;

say "[character entry][run paragraph on]";

repeat with P running from 1 to NP


say ".[run paragraph on]";

end repeat;

say "[castmember entry][run paragraph on]";

repeat with Q running from 1 to NS


say " [run paragraph on]";

end repeat;

say " [run paragraph on]";

say "[variable letter spacing][run paragraph on]";

say "([author entry]: [italic type][work entry][roman type])[line break]";

end if;

end repeat;

say "[paragraph break]".