Chapter Two - "Baths"
Some olympic_scenery_baths are scenery in Colossal Baths. They are ambiguously plural. The printed name is "bath". Understand "bath", "baths", "pond", "ponds", "pool", "pools", "hot", "cold", "tepid", "lukewarm", "caldarium", "frigidarium", "tepidarium", "fountain", "fountains", "fresh", "clean", "icy", "ice-cold", "frigid", "big", "small", "in-between", "vast", "room", "water", "basin", "basins", "lake", and "lakes" as olympic_scenery_baths. The description is "This vast room is filled with baths and fountains: hot, cold, lukewarm, big, small, and in-between."
The olympic_scenery_baths can be enterable. They are enterable. The olympic_scenery_baths can be drinkable. They are drinkable. Instead of drinking the olympic_scenery_baths, say "You scoop some delicious ice-cold water from a frigid fountain." Instead of tasting the olympic_scenery_baths, try drinking the olympic_scenery_baths. Instead of sucking the olympic_scenery_baths, try drinking the olympic_scenery_baths. Instead of touching the olympic_scenery_baths, try swimming around in the olympic_scenery_baths. Instead of smelling the olympic_scenery_baths, say "The water smells fresh and clean." Instead of searching the olympic_scenery_baths, say "Mosaics cover the bottom of each bath." Instead of entering the olympic_scenery_baths, try swimming around in the olympic_scenery_baths. Instead of swimming around in the olympic_scenery_baths:
now Stiffy Makane is sparkling;
now every garment worn by Stiffy Makane is sparkling;
now every garment held by Stiffy Makane is sparkling;
say "You splash around in the baths for a while, and emerge clean and refreshed.";
stop the action.
Instead of swimming in Colossal Baths, try swimming around in the olympic_scenery_baths. Instead of drinking in Colossal Baths, try drinking the olympic_scenery_baths.