Part Eight - "Prayer"
Chapter One - "Grammar"
Understand "help" or "hint" as requesting help.
Requesting help is an action out of world applying to nothing. Carry out requesting help: say "It is said that the gods occasionally answer prayers."
The has-prayed-to-slot is text that varies. The has-prayed-to-slot is "(null)".
First scene changing rule when praying or praying to:
rule succeeds.
First every turn rule when praying or praying to:
rule succeeds.
Understand "pray" as praying.
Understand "pray to [text]" as praying to.
Understand "recap prayer" or "recap prayers" as recalling prayer.
Praying is an action applying to nothing. Carry out praying:
Now the prayer_flag is 0;
say "You offer up a prayer to whatever gods might be listening.";
follow the prayer rule.
Praying to is an action applying to one topic. Carry out praying to:
now the prayer_flag is 1;
[ say "At the last second, you lose your nerve and spinelessly offer up a prayer to whatever gods might be listening."; ]
follow the prayer rule.
The current Hecatoncheries name is some text that varies. The current Hecatoncheries name is "Maharg Noslen". The prayer_flag is a number that varies. The prayer_flag is 0.
This is the Hecatoncheries picking rule:
choose a random row in the Table of Hecatoncheries Names;
now the current Hecatoncheries name is the name entry.
This is the prayer rule:
if the player is a pumpkin
say "No gods will help you now.";
stop the action;
end if;
if the location is in Darkest Africa
say "As you pray, your head fills with the humming of angry bees. You're sure your prayers are not reaching anyone, and indeed your prayers go unanswered.";
stop the action;
end if;
follow the Hecatoncheries picking rule;
follow the deciding the current hint state rule;
if rule failed, stop the action;
choose row with a state of the current hint state in the Table of Prayer;
if the current hint state is hint_trivia
if the prayer_flag is 1
if the topic understood matches the topic entry
now the mysterious goddess is proper-named;
now the mysterious goddess is horny;
now the printed name of the mysterious goddess is "Trivia";
really have the parser notice the mysterious goddess;
say "The goddess smiles with satisfaction.[paragraph break]";
say "The goddess shakes her head sadly. 'I'm sorry, Stiffy, but I am not [the topic understood in title case]. Better luck next time.' She kisses you on the cheek and vanishes with a thunderclap.";
move the mysterious goddess to Limbo;
now the has-prayed-to-slot is "wrong";
stop the action;
end if;
say "The goddess looks amused. 'Sneaky. Admirable. However, no, I'm not going to permit you to just get my name from the Hecatoncheries. Pray to me [italic type]by name[roman type], Stiffy.'";
stop the action;
end if;
end if;
if the location is in Olympus and the location is not Summit
say "Three ascending, headsplitting tones fill your ears, followed by a woman's neutral voice: 'We're sorry. It is not necessary to dial a one before dialing this number. Please hang up and try again,' and then a click.";
stop the action;
end if;
if there is no turn stamp entry and the current hint state is not unknown
now the turn stamp entry is the turn count;
now the place entry is the location;
if prayer_flag is 0
say "'Olympian Hotline, [current Hecatoncheries name] speaking. Based on your current situation, I'm going to try to put you through to [Governing deity entry]. Please hold while I connect you.'[paragraph break]";
say "'Olympian Hotline, [current Hecatoncheries name] speaking. ";
if the topic understood does not match the topic entry
now the has-prayed-to-slot is "wrong";
say "The deity you requested does not answer. Based on your current situation, I'm going to try to put you through to [Governing deity entry] instead. Please hold.'[paragraph break]";
if the has-prayed-to-slot is "(null)"
now the has-prayed-to-slot is the Governing deity entry;
end if;
say "Please hold while I try to put you through to [Governing deity entry].'[paragraph break]";
end if;
end if;
say "You are subjected to a short interlude of insipid music, followed by, '[Governing deity entry] speaking: [Advice entry]'[paragraph break]";
if there is a turn stamp entry
say "'Olympian Hotline, [current Hecatoncheries name] speaking. According to our records, you've already spoken to [Governing deity entry] about your predicament. [summary entry] Thank you for your call.'";
say "'Olympian Hotline. All our representatives are currently busy assisting other supplicants. Please try again later. Thank you for your call.'";
end if;
end if.
After praying or praying to for the first time, say "[bracket] You can review the responses to your prayers with RECAP PRAYER. [close bracket][paragraph break]"
Recalling prayer is an action applying to nothing. Carry out recalling prayer:
sort Table of Prayer in turn stamp order;
let index be 0;
repeat through Table of Prayer
if there is a turn stamp entry
if index is 0, say "You have so far received the following results from prayer: [line break]";
let index be 1;
say " In [the place entry]: [summary entry][line break]";
end if;
end repeat;
if index is 0
say "The gods have vouchsafed you nothing.";
say line break;
end if.
hint state is a kind of value. The hint states are unknown, hint_battlement_intro, hint_lake_intro, hint_caesar, hint_julia, hint_priest, hint_artist, hint_apple_dark, hint_apple_light, hint_alleymaze, hint_alley, hint_slutty_julia, hint_lovenest, hint_dockside, hint_cocky, hint_filthy, hint_sewers, hint_grate, hint_glub, hint_sewer_dark, hint_wait, hint_palinurus, hint_archie, hint_clap, hint_gate, hint_weed, hint_cuma, hint_judaea, hint_jonah, hint_alexandria, hint_currants, hint_serapis, hint_coffin, hint_cleopatra, hint_alexander, hint_circumcision, hint_pirates, hint_cabin_boy, hint_rowing, hint_woad, hint_battlement_recap, hint_lake_recap, hint_persephone, hint_stetson, hint_cerberus_guarding, hint_cerberus_intrigued, hint_tiresias, hint_madame, hint_bone, hint_bone_boned, hint_charon, hint_agamemnon, hint_tantalus, hint_sweeny, hint_olive, hint_sweeny_horny, hint_madame_horny, hint_grahams, hint_kentucky, hint_mantua, hint_doolittle, hint_good_wine, hint_moonmilk, hint_fur, hint_stick, and hint_trivia.
The current hint state is a hint state which varies. The current hint state is unknown.
This is the deciding the current hint state rule:
now the current hint state is unknown;
[ being Eris is its own special case ]
if the player is Divine Eris
say "Tacky, tacky, tacky. If you need help from one of your fellow deities, just go and ask.";
rule fails;
end if;
[ Jonah overrides all the others ]
If the tallis is worn and the fake beard is worn and the golden banana is not handled
now the current hint state is hint_jonah;
now the fake beard is warned_about;
choose row with a state of the current hint state in the Table of Prayer;
if there is a turn stamp entry
say "Yahweh's voice thunders in your ears. 'JONAH! Go down to Nineveh and preach, you schmuck! How many times do I have to tell you?'";
rule fails;
rule succeeds;
end if;
end if;
if the location is the Battlement and the turn count is less than 10, now the current hint state is hint_battlement_intro;
if the location is the Lake and the turn count is less than 10, now the current hint state is hint_lake_intro;
if the location is the Curia Steps and Caesar is visible, now the current hint state is hint_caesar;
if the location is the Phallus Interior and Julia is visible, now the current hint state is hint_julia;
if the location is the Tavern and the Priest of Jupiter Virilis is visible, now the current hint state is hint_priest;
if the Artist is in the location and the location of the mask is not a room, now the current hint state is hint_artist;
if the location is the Temple of Eris or the location is the Altar of Eris, now the current hint state is hint_apple_dark;
if the stiffycock is lit and the location is the Altar of Eris, now the current hint state is hint_apple_light;
if the location is the Twisty Little Alley, now the current hint state is hint_alleymaze;
if the location is the Phallus Interior and Slutty_Julia is visible and the stiffycock is not lit, now the current hint state is hint_slutty_julia;
if the location is the Stiffy Love Nest, now the current hint state is hint_lovenest;
if the location is the Dockside, now the current hint state is hint_dockside;
if the location is the Tablinum and Cocky is not warned_about, now the current hint state is hint_cocky;
If the player is filthy, now the current hint state is hint_filthy;
if the location is a sewer_room
if the location of the iron key is a room
if the iron grate has been unlocked
now the current hint state is unknown;
if Sewer10 is unvisited
now the current hint state is hint_sewers;
now the current hint state is hint_grate;
end if;
end if;
if in darkness begin;
now the current hint state is hint_sewer_dark;
now the current hint state is hint_sewers;
end if;
end if;
end if;
if the location is the House_of_Glub, now the current hint state is hint_glub;
if Festus is in the location and the Privy is unvisited, now the current hint state is hint_wait;
if the location is in Shipboard, now the current hint state is hint_palinurus;
if the location is in Sicily and Archie is unboinked, now the current hint state is hint_archie;
if the stiffycock is diseased, now the current hint state is hint_clap;
if the location is the agora and the necropolis gate is locked, now the current hint state is hint_gate;
if the location is the cemetery and the location of the weed is not a room, now the current hint state is hint_weed;
If the location is in Campania, now the current hint state is hint_cuma;
If the location is in Judaea, now the current hint state is hint_judaea;
If the location is in Egypt, now the current hint state is hint_alexandria;
If the location is the Temple of Serapis, now the current hint state is hint_serapis;
If the location is Great Harbor and the surly guard is not handled, now the current hint state is hint_currants;
if the location is in Palace Grounds and the sarcophagus is closed, now the current hint state is hint_coffin;
If Cleopatra is in the location and Cleopatra is unboinked, now the current hint state is hint_cleopatra;
If the location is in Palace Grounds and the sarcophagus is open and the mummified corpse is not warned_about, now the current hint state is hint_alexander;
if the player encloses the golden banana and the golden banana is not warned_about, now the current hint state is hint_circumcision;
if the global_pirate_attack_flag is greater than 0 and the global_pirate_attack_flag is less than 4, now the current hint state is hint_pirates;
if the location is Captain's Cabin, now the current hint state is hint_cabin_boy;
if the location is Galley, now the current hint state is hint_rowing;
if the location is Druidic Grove, now the current hint state is hint_woad;
if the location is the Battlement and the turn count is greater than 10, now the current hint state is hint_battlement_recap;
if the location is the Lake and the turn count is greater than 10, now the current hint state is hint_lake_recap;
if the location is Rats' Alley, now the current hint state is hint_alley;
if the bone is visible, now the current hint state is hint_bone_boned;
if the bone is visible and Persephone is in Persephone's Palace, now the current hint state is hint_bone;
if Persephone is in the location, now the current hint state is hint_persephone;
if the location is the Garden and Stetson is in the garden, now the current hint state is hint_stetson;
if the location is the Garden and Stetson is not in the garden, now the current hint state is hint_persephone;
if Cerberus is in the location and Cerberus is guarding, now the current hint state is hint_cerberus_guarding;
if Cerberus is in the location and Cerberus is intrigued, now the current hint state is hint_cerberus_intrigued;
if Tiresias is in the location and Tiresias is not_warned_about, now the current hint state is hint_tiresias;
if Apeneck Sweeny is in the location and Apeneck Sweeny is not horny, now the current hint state is hint_sweeny;
if the location is the Olive Grove and the olive_tree is visible, now the current hint state is hint_olive;
if the location is the Apartment and Madame Sosostris is not horny, now the current hint state is hint_madame;
if Charon is in the location and Charon is broken, now the current hint state is hint_charon;
if Agamemnon is in the location and the umbrella is not held by Agamemnon, now the current hint state is hint_agamemnon;
if Tantalus is in the location, now the current hint state is hint_tantalus;
if Apeneck Sweeny is in the location and Apeneck Sweeny is horny, now the current hint state is hint_sweeny_horny;
if Madame Sosostris is in the location and Madame Sosostris is horny and Madame Sosostris is unboinked, now the current hint state is hint_madame_horny;
if the Grahams are visible and the location of the umbrella is not a room, now the current hint state is hint_grahams;
if Dream of the Red King is happening, now the current hint state is hint_kentucky;
if the location is in Mantua and Villa Peristyle is not warned_about, now the current hint state is hint_mantua;
if the location is in Mantua and the duck is visible and the moonmilk is not_warned_about, now the current hint state is hint_doolittle;
if the location is in Mantua and the cheap_wine is warned_about and the ancient bottle is not mentioned
if the potatoe is not_warned_about
now the current hint state is hint_good_wine;
now the potatoe is warned_about;
now the current hint state is hint_moonmilk;
end if;
end if;
if the location is in Olympic Slopes and the walking stick is not visible, now the current hint state is hint_stick;
if the location is in Olympic Slopes and the threadbare fur cloak is not worn, now the current hint state is hint_fur;
if the location is Summit and the mysterious goddess is in the location and the mysterious goddess is not proper-named, now the current hint state is hint_trivia.